Ordway School and Ordway PTO
Report a Concern
The SafeSchoolsAlert system allows you to quickly, easily, and anonymously report safety concerns to school district officials 24/7/365.
Click HERE to submit your concern.
Child Safety & Reunification Town Hall - March 24th, 2024
On March 24th, 2024, Bainbridge Prepares hosted a Child Safety and Reunification Town Hall to discuss the issue of child-family reunification after a disaster on the Island. The event included Scott James and Kari Seybolt-Murphy of Bainbridge Prepares, the City of Bainbridge Island (COBI) Emergency Management Coordinator Anne LeSage; Dane Fenwick, BISD Director of Facilities & Operations; Corinne Wolffe, Executive Director of KiDiMU; and Meghan Kane Skotheim, Head of the Montessori Country School.
The event was recorded and can be viewed on the Bainbridge Prepares (HERE) website and YouTube channel (HERE).
PTO Documents and Links
Request for Reimbursement from PTO – Form Link
PTO Meeting Minutes can be found here – Link Here
PTO Bylaws and Budget can be found on the About Us Page – Linked Here
PTO Newsletters can be found on our New Page – Linked Here
BISD Budget and WA State Funding Issues
The following PTO website page has information about the BISD 2024-2025 School Year Budget Challenges.
PTO Page on the topic: Ordway PTO – Budget
The Bainbridge Island School District sent a community newsletter on Oct 23, 2024 with information regarding the 2024-2025 budget deficit. See the link here.
Groups advocating for our schools, children, and community.
Bainbridge Youth Services promotes youth mental health and wellness in our community. It provides counseling, peer tutoring, and skill-building activities (among other things) to youth; as well as parent peer groups, counseling, and information. See their youth and family information sites.
Bainbridge Island Schools Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization committed to raising critical funds for our public schools to bridge the gap in public school funding.
Bainbridge Community Foundation raises & directs funds for the Youth Experience Support (YES) Fund which directly supports youth access to sports equipment, music lessons, dance lessons, swimming, skiing, registration fees, or similar needs. The Helpline House administers the YES Fund for elementary school-aged children.
Bainbridge Island Public School Supporters (BIPSS) is a grassroots, citizen-based, campaign organization that works to help pass Bainbridge Public School bonds and levies.
Save Our Schools (SOS) Bainbridge is a grassroots organization engaging in conversation with the community and district about the budget and possible school closures/consolidations.
Let us know who you are.
We welcome any and all parents/guardians, either as groups or individuals, to speak up to share your concerns, feedback, and comments. Are there any parent/guardian groups that have formed/united around a certain message to present to the School Board?
We would love to enable you to share. Please let us (PTO Co-Presidents: email here) know so that we can ensure there is enough time for all voices to speak/present at PTO facilitated meetings and/or to share your website with other advocacy groups listed above.
Whether our opinions align, or differ, we want to figure out a way to collaborate and communicate in a way to bring us back to BISD Strong.
More About the Bainbridge Island School District and School Board
The B.I. School District
The Interim Superintendent is Amii Thompson. You can email her at athompson@bisd303.org.
The BISD Superintendent website can be found HERE. At that site, you can find:
- Additional contact information for the Superintendent’s Office
- Links to the 2024-2025 Budget Challenges
- Further info and guides to understanding the school budget
To share your questions on the 2024-2025 Budget Issue, fill out the form HERE. Answers may be answered on the FAQ page HERE.
To share your feedback on the Budget & School Closure Scenarios, fill out the form HERE.
The B.I. School Board
Attend School Board meetings to hear what’s going on, and to voice your comments.
- If you plan to attend any School Board meeting in person and wish to make a comment, there will be a sign up at the door, on a first come, first serve basis. If you plan to attend via Zoom and would like to comment, please contact Lani Chaffee, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, at LChaffee@bisd303.org, or 206-780-1052.
- If you plan to attend in person (without commenting), then RSVP to Lani Chaffee, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent. She needs a head count to reserve a properly sized room for the School Board meeting(s). If attending via Zoom, contact Lani Chaffee to get the Zoom link. Lani’s contact info is: LChaffee@bisd303.org, or 206-780-1052.
- The School board meeting schedule can be found online HERE.
- You can find the agendas to the board meeting will be posted about 3 days before the meeting at the link HERE .
Other ways to connect with a School Board Member:
Past School Board Meetings
School Board Meetings are recorded and made available online. You can find the BISD meetings and agendas on BoardDocs here:
Important Bainbridge Island School District Links
Community Partners
Bainabridge Schools Foundation
Every Student. Every Day.
Bainbridge Schools Foundation funds initiatives that our schools wouldn’t otherwise have such as STEM Lab, support programs for students who need an academic boost, classroom grants, and training that keeps our teachers excited and engaged. Click here to learn more and donate.